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Illustrated notebooks
Hand drawn with posca pen onto recycled hardbacked notebooks with lined paper and spiral bound, an elastic wrap to keep the book closed too. Thes have designs and quotes on the back and front covers. Each one is unique.
Painted wooden love heart drawers, illustrated with posca pens in black and gold and a mandala ink stamp.
I'm so excited to share what I have been making, a wonderful customer asked me to make some gifts for her daughter and her daughters friend who is starring in a production of Annie, I have had so much fun!, the boxes have lines out of the film which the characters the girls are playing say around the edges of the box, there are individually hand printed lyrics from 'tomorrow' on a textured paper, made into a little book and the last page says 'We love you Miss Hannigan' on it. There are diorama's of girls from Santoro's gorjuss collection, customised to fit in the theme and some little extras like roses and a musical key note.The boxes are decorated all the way round with tissue paper, butterflies and ephemera papers.

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

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